MusicNL is a non-profit, membership-based organization that promotes, develops and advocates for musicians and music industry stakeholders residing in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador.
We are run by a nine member volunteer board of directors, with three staff members, and 700 members, of which 200 are in the business sector. Our office is in downtown St. John’s.
Our mandate is to address the challenges and issues affecting the province’s music industry, to achieve growth in our membership, to be transparent, and remain compliant with government policy.
This includes:
- Creating provincial outreach and educational opportunities for our membership to stimulate growth in the infrastructure and the business side of our industry. This includes workshops, info sessions, professional development and mentorships programs.
- Developing funding programs that address our members’ ongoing needs and reflect the current industry environment.
- Conducting ourselves in a manner that is accountable, transparent, and sustainable, while delivering maximum benefit to the membership we serve.
MusicNL is a supporting industry partner of the East Coast Music Association.