Music NWT’s mission is to develop, foster and promote the continued growth of our music industry to its fullest potential.

Mandate & Objectives of Music NWT:

  • To support the marketing and distribution of NWT Musicians and Recording Artists
  • To provide opportunities for the education and training of NWT Musicians and Recording Artists and the NWT Music Industry
  • To increase recognition of the music industry as a vital element of the economy and cultural identity of the Northwest Territories
  • Provide a voice to government, business, and the communities at large, throughout the Northwest Territories, regarding the issues facing the music industry

Core Beliefs/Values:

  • NWT’s music industry has enormous talent
  • Music industry professionals are entitled to fair and equitable compensation;
    Music is an integral part of NWT’s culture
  • NWT’s music industry has the capacity to succeed on a national and global scale; and
    the music industry is a contributor to NWT’s economic development.

Music NWT is a proud member of the Western Canadian Music Alliance.

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